The Outside: Cool-Hero

 Welcome back to The Pink Ninja Show! Today, I'm introducing, Cool-Hero. Let's begin!

The Character

Name: Cool-Hero
Name: Cool-Hero

Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green

Friends & Family

Friend: Blake Firebolt
Friend: Blake Firebolt

Friend: Stephanie Firebolt
Friend: Stephanie Firebolt

Cousin: Justin Korse
Cousin: Justin Korse


Home: The Outside
Job: Spy
Enemy: Flame-Trooper
Enemy: Flame-Trooper

Civilian Name: Shane Lewis
Shane Lewis
Shane Lewis

Civilian Life: Works as a waiter at Justin Korse's Family Dining.
Interesting Fact: While Shane and Justin are cousins and know each other's secret identities, they are dedicated to maintaining their familial bond despite upholding opposing worldviews.


Exploring The Outside
Exploring The Outside

While working at Justin Korse's Family Dining, friendly waiter, Shane Lewis learns that Blake and Stephanie Firebolt are visiting The Outside getting Shane to remember how his friend Richard Firebolt discussed how his cousin Blake Firebolt is traveling to The Outside and how Shane is to aid Blake and Stephanie during their visit. After Shane finishes work, he quickly suits up as Cool-Hero to meet The Firebolts to assist them in answering their questions about The Outside and reveal his responsibilities as Cool-Hero.

That's the story about Cool-Hero! Next time on The Pink Ninja Show, I will introduce Flame-Trooper. Thank you for visiting The Pink Ninja Show!

The Pink Ninja Show
The Pink Ninja Show

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