
Showing posts with the label charactersupdates

The Outside: Cool-Hero

 Welcome back to The Pink Ninja Show! Today, I'm introducing, Cool-Hero. Let's begin! The Character Name: Cool-Hero Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green Friends & Family Friend: Blake Firebolt Friend: Stephanie Firebolt Friend: Richard Firebolt Cousin: Justin Korse Facts Home: The Outside Job: Spy Enemy:  Flame-Trooper Civilian Name: Shane Lewis Shane Lewis Civilian Life: Works as a waiter at Justin Korse's Family Dining. Interesting Fact: While Shane and Justin are cousins and know each other's secret identities, they are dedicated to maintaining their familial bond despite upholding opposing worldviews. Story Exploring The Outside While working at Justin Korse's Family Dining, friendly waiter, Shane Lewis learns that Blake and Stephanie Firebolt are visiting The Outside getting Shane to remember how his friend Richard Firebolt discussed how his cousin Blake Firebolt is traveling to The Outside and how Shane is to aid Blake and Stephanie during their visit. After Sh...

Adventures in Carpenters City: Blake Firebolt

 Welcome back to the Pink Ninja Show! Today, I'm introducing Blake Firebolt, a character from Carpenters City.  The Character Name: Blake Firebolt Blake Firebolt Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Family Spouse: Stephanie Firebolt Parents and Cousin Mother: Maggie Firebolt Father: Leonard Firebolt Cousin: Richard Firebolt Horses: Buttercup and Parker Top: Buttercup, Botton: Parker Facts Home: Carpenters City Countryside Carpenters City Map Job: Ranch Owner The Firebolt Ranch Interesting Fact:  When Blake Firebolt was 5 years old, Blake moved to Carpenters City from The Outside since his parents inherited his grandfather’s ranch. After moving to Carpenters City, Blake’s family met The Kevins, in which Blake grew to know Stephanie, who he eventually married once they became adults.  Since moving Blake visits his cousin, Richard’s family each summer in The Outside. Story Exploring The Outside Near the borders of Carpenters City and The Outside, happy and excited, ra...

Adventures in Carpenters City: Stephanie Firebolt

  Welcome back to The Pink Ninja Show. Today, I’m introducing you to Stephanie Firebolt, a character from Carpenters City.   The Character Name: Stephanie Firebolt Stephanie Firebolt Hair:  Brown Eyes:  Blue Family Spouse: Blake Firebolt The Kevins Stephanie's Parents and Siblings Sister: Kristie Kevins Brothers : Luke and Keith Kevins Mother: Vickie Kevins Father: Christopher Kevins Horses: Buttercup & Parker Horses: Buttercup & Parker About Carpenters City Map Home: Carpenters City Countryside Job: Ranch Owner Stephanie and Blake Firebolt The Firebolt Ranch Interesting Fact: Stephanie Firebolt lives in the ranch her husband, Blake Firebolt inherited from his parents, near the border between Carpenters City and The Outside. Story Exploring The Outside Near the borders of Carpenters City and The Outside, happy and excited, ranch owners Stephanie and Blake Firebolt travel to The Outside to housesit for Blake’s cousin, Richard Firebolt. While housesitti...

Lego Time: Kicking the Pretzel Chef Out

*Lego Time: Kicking the Pretzel Chef Out * (I'm not selling or promoting Legos. Legos are just my favorite childhood toy and I'm demostrating how I play with Legos). Hey Guys, Welcome back! Legos are my favorite childhood toy! What's your favorite childhood toy? Comment your answers below.↓ Anyhoo, today, I'm visiting Orange Ninja! Orange Ninja also likes to play with Legos, too.😄 It's also Orange Ninja's favorite toy, too! Anyway, Orange Ninja and I like to play with Legos that we want you to hear how we play with Legos as we voiced the characters on the podcast we made for you. The podcast is called: Lego Time. This is the first episode below↓↓ Enjoy it Here:   Lego Time: Kicking the Pretzel Chef Out It's about the Pretzel Chef(as Orange Ninja) who gets kicked out of his group(also Orange Ninja), who asks other groups: the bad guys and good guys(as me; Pink Ninja) if he can join their groups. Does the Pretzel Chef join another group if s...

The Carpenters City Days Comes To An End

 It's the last day of The Carpenters City Days.  Keith Kevin won the Inventor of the Year Award for the second time two years in a row! Carpenters City Days is a week-long annual festival in the park that showcases Carpenters City's businesses, new inventions, and new inventors, and reveals the future plans of Carpenters City and the improvements that Mayor Jones is going to make in Carpenters City. Keith Kevins with his Award and Mayor Jones and Mrs. Jones During the first day, Mayor Jones welcomes everybody and gives a speech to open  The Carpenters Days and, to close the festival he gives out rewards to the citizens and one of them is The Inventor of the Year Award. To get the Inventor of the Year Award and inventor enters the invention they want to present show it at the festival. The citizens go around to each invention and vote on it and whoever gets the most votes get the award, but each citizen can only vote for one invention and the inventors cannot v...