The Carpenters City Days Comes To An End

 It's the last day of The Carpenters City Days.  Keith Kevin won the Inventor of the Year Award for the second time two years in a row!
Carpenters City Days is a week-long annual festival in the park that showcases Carpenters City's businesses, new inventions, and new inventors, and reveals the future plans of Carpenters City and the improvements that Mayor Jones is going to make in Carpenters City.
Keith Kevins with his Award and Mayor Jones and Mrs. Jones

During the first day, Mayor Jones welcomes everybody and gives a speech to open  The Carpenters Days and, to close the festival he gives out rewards to the citizens and one of them is The Inventor of the Year Award. To get the Inventor of the Year Award and inventor enters the invention they want to present show it at the festival. The citizens go around to each invention and vote on it and whoever gets the most votes get the award, but each citizen can only vote for one invention and the inventors cannot vote.

Anyway, Kieth Kevins won the Inventor of the Year Award for the second time and for two years in a row, which is hard to get two years in a row if you are an inventer or builder because Carpenters City is known for its inventions and buildings.
Mayor Jones always makes sure to encourage the citizens to do so, too by saying,
We live in a City where we build New Building and Invent New Gadgets.
Mayor Jones giving his  Opening Speech before The Carpenters City Days Begins
Anyway, you may be wondering what invention of Keith Kevins' help Kieth receive the Award for the second time two years in a row? Keith finished his Motorboat-Jetcraft in time for The Carpenters City Day! There he was able to present it and enter it into the competition.

Last year Kieth Kevins was inventing the Motorboat-Jetcraft. Now it is complete.

Keith and his Motorboat-Jetcraft. 
Keith Kevins is excited to win the competition this year.

 To read the more about Kieth Kevins go here:

Keith Kevins

This is Pink Ninja enjoy your day! Carpenters City Days was fun. The citizens can't wait until next year.

  Any questions and/or comments, comment in the comment section. What do you want to know about Carpenters City?


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