
Showing posts from June, 2018

Touring Teddy Creame's Ice Cream

Hi, guys welcome back to the Pink Ninja Show! Welcome to Teddy Creame's Ice Cream! Today I am going to give you a tour of Teddy Creame's Ice Cream because my favorite snack is ice cream.  Let's begin! The ice cream shop is in the heart of Carpenters City and it is the only ice cream shop in the city. It's just a walk away from most places in Carpenters City including my studio. Teddy Creame is the shop's owner and the creator of the ice cream, so he named it after him. Teddy Creame is also the most well-known person in Carpenters City. He knows everyone because our city is so small and that goes the same for most everyone else.  This is Teddy Creame As I make my way to the entrance, Teddy Creame greets me at his ice cream cart. Greeting Teddy Creame by the Entrance  Teddy Cream's specialty: the blueberry, strawberry,  and vanilla swirl with white sprinkles The ice cream cart is where he sells the flavor of the da

Lets Draw The Cat

Hi guys, welcome back! Let's Draw the Cat! Today, we are going to draw this cat below↓ The Reference Here are the Supplies: A Surface to Put The Paper On like a table or desk Paper Pencil Colored Pencils(yes I use colored pencils) Eraser Today I'll show you how to draw the cat with this video. Enjoy the video! At the end of it, I drew the cat myself. Here's the drawing My Cat Drawing So that's it. Share your drawing of the cat. I love to see them. I'm going to share mine: On Pinterest and/or: On Instagram So, yeah that's it see you guys next time! Want to get your questions answered ask away in the comment. Any drawing suggestions leave them below. Please use #Idrewthecat instead of #Idrewthetiger to share This is the Drawing Tiger Post! This is Pink Ninja, today I showed you how to draw the cat. Have a great day! Thank you for visiting! Come back soon! What is your favorite color? I'm Pink N