The Outside: This is Jack Cameron

Hi, welcome back to the Pink Ninja Show. Today on the show I am going to introduce you to Jack Cameron another character from The Outside. Let's begin!

This is Jack Cameron


Name: Jack Cameron

5 ft 9 in

Weight: 177 lb

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Home: Main Street, The Outside

Job: Head of Security of Wilde Mansion

Friend(s): Curtis Wilde and Panda Giant the Dog

Story: By knowing the value of living an unmasked life, the wise Jack Cameron, who is the head of security of Wilde Mansion is tired of how the citizens of The Outside live a masked life that causes the Masked Identity Crisis to thrive, so he decides to convince the world around him the benefits of unmasking their true identities to put an end of the Masked Identity Crisis. 

To begin, Jack Cameron needs to start with convincing his friends to unmask who they are while he withstands the urge to follow the crowd by masking his identity of who he is from the inside-out.

That's who Jack Cameron is. Next time on the Pink Ninja Show, you will go to back to the Adventures in Carpenters City where you will meet Derek Wilson. Thank you for reading about Jack Cameron!

Last Post

Welcome to The Outside: Meet Curtis Wilde


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