
Showing posts with the label series

The Outside: This is Jack Cameron

Hi, welcome back to the Pink Ninja Show. Today on the show I am going to introduce you to Jack Cameron another character from The Outside. Let's begin! This is Jack Cameron Profile Name: Jack Cameron Height: 5 ft 9 in Weight: 177 lb Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Home: Main Street, The Outside Job:  Head of Security of Wilde Mansion Friend(s): Curtis Wilde and Panda Giant the Dog Story: By knowing the value of living an unmasked life, the wise Jack Cameron, who is the head of security of Wilde Mansion is tired of how the citizens of The Outside live a masked life that causes the Masked Identity Crisis to thrive, so he decides to convince the world around him the benefits of unmasking their true identities to put an end of the Masked Identity Crisis.  To begin, Jack Cameron needs to start with convincing his friends to unmask who they are while he withstands the urge to follow the crowd by masking his identity of who he is from the inside-out. That's who Jack Cameron is. Next tim...

Welcome to The Outside: Meet Curtis Wilde

Hi, welcome back to the Pink Ninja Show. Today on the show I am going to introduce you to Curtis Wilde. Curtis Wilde is from The Outside, which is Carpenters City's neighboring city. This is a series that introduces the characters of The Outside. I hope you enjoy reading about Curtis Wilde.  Meet Curtis Wilde Profile Name: Curtis Wilde Height: 6ft 3 in Weight: 140 lb Hair: Red Eyes: Greenish Grey Pet(s):  Panda Giant the Dog Friend(s):  Jack Cameron Home: The Outside Job: Founder of The Masked Travel Guide Story: In the middle of the metropolis known as The Outside, the boisterous and wealthy Curtis Wilde, who is the founder of The Masked Travel Guide. Curtis realizes that he is amid The Masked Identity Crisis, so he seeks to discover how he masks his true identity and how to unmask it. Through Curtis's journey to unmask himself, Curtis struggles to know who he is and how to not give in to the pressure of society to keep his mask on. Curtis Wilde and the citizens of...

I'm Creating a Book Series!

Hi Guys, welcome back! I'm creating a book series!  I have decided to continue the Adventures in Carpenters City series as a book series(Yes, the first adventure will be a book, too). Right Now I am working on the first book, and this is the cover. In the meantime,  you can read the first story. 1. An Ordinary Day That's is it for now. Have a nice day. Thanks for visiting! Recent Post Popular Posts The Book Page will be where you will find my books! This is the Books Page

Adventures In Carpenters City: An Ordinary Day(Featuring Jay Jets and Roy Blades)

Today I have with me Jay Jets and Roy Blades and they are here to tell their story. On the left is Jay Jets( who you Know as Kieth Kevins) and on the right is Roy Blades(Kieth Kevins' Childhood Friend in a moment we'll get to more in-depth introductions). This is how their Story Begins. Jay Jets: Hi I'm Kieth Kevins and I going to tell you the story of my... Roy Blades: EH HEM KEITH Aren't you forgetting me OVER HERE!! Heh, Heh😬 I-I'mmmm GAAAARY WIIIILSON! Gary, Where was I?  Oh! you were telling the story of our... Yes! the story of our Adventurous day! This is how it begins... This is Carpenters City the City Gary and I live in. Today, like always is a nice, sunny day.  Oh! Look it's Jac Jetpack and Jac's JetPack Crew! I wonder where they are heading to? S o Jac Jetpack and Jac's Jetpack Crew are heading toward the Carpenters City Radio Station. This is Carpenter City's only radio stati...