Introducing Gary Wilson

Hi guys, welcome back to The Pink Ninja Show! 

Today, I am going to write to you about Gary Wilson.

So, yeah this is it! Let's begin😁


Gary Wilson

Hair: Dyed Blue(Originally Red)

Eyes: Blue

Height: 6 ft 2 in

Weight: 149 lbs

Home: Downtown Carpenters City

Family: Brother, Derek Wilson, Uncle Teddy Creame
Gary's Uncle Teddy Creame

Derek Wilson, Gary's Older Brother

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate

Work: Teddy Creame's Ice Cream

 Best Friend: Keith Kevins

Teddy Cream's  Ice Cream

Gary Wilson's  Best Freind Keith Kevins. They have been friends since childhood.

AKA: Roy Blades

Ally: Jay Jets

Enemies: Jac Jetpack and Jac's Jetpack Crew

Story: Gary Wilson is called Roy Blades because his rollerblades' wheels pop off and blades appear as if he wears 2-in-1 roller blades that are roller blades or either ice skates at any moment. His ice skates can skate on any surface without leaving a scratch. Gary can also use the blades of the ice skates as knives.

Because Keith Kevins is an inventor and Gary Wilson is Keith's best friend he is the first one to test out Keith's new inventions before the public is introduced to them during Carpenters City Days. Carpenters City is the home of Gary Wilson.

Roy Blades is also known as Gary Wilson

Jay Jets is  also known as Keith Kevins

Jac Jetpack(Top left) and Jac's Jetpack Crew(Top Right and Bottom)

Gary Wilson works as a cashier at his Uncle Teddy Creame's ice cream shop. He helps his brother Derek Wilson closed up the shop.

Secretly as trouble calls Gary Wilson becomes Roy Blades. Racing in his rollerblades, Roy Blades attempts to stop Jac Jetpack and Jac's Jetpack Crew. Alongside his best friend Keith Kevins also known as Jay Jets.

To get to know more of Gary Wilson purchase and read: "Adventures in Carpenters City: An Ordinary Day."

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 Today on the Pink Ninja show I wrote about Gary Wilson. Thanks for reading today's post! I hope to see you soon. Have a nice day!

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