
Showing posts with the label introduction

Adventures in Carpenters City: Blake Firebolt

 Welcome back to the Pink Ninja Show! Today, I'm introducing Blake Firebolt, a character from Carpenters City.  The Character Name: Blake Firebolt Blake Firebolt Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Family Spouse: Stephanie Firebolt Parents and Cousin Mother: Maggie Firebolt Father: Leonard Firebolt Cousin: Richard Firebolt Horses: Buttercup and Parker Top: Buttercup, Botton: Parker Facts Home: Carpenters City Countryside Carpenters City Map Job: Ranch Owner The Firebolt Ranch Interesting Fact:  When Blake Firebolt was 5 years old, Blake moved to Carpenters City from The Outside since his parents inherited his grandfather’s ranch. After moving to Carpenters City, Blake’s family met The Kevins, in which Blake grew to know Stephanie, who he eventually married once they became adults.  Since moving Blake visits his cousin, Richard’s family each summer in The Outside. Story Exploring The Outside Near the borders of Carpenters City and The Outside, happy and excited, ra...

Adventures In Carpenters City: An Ordinary Day(Featuring Jay Jets and Roy Blades)

Today I have with me Jay Jets and Roy Blades and they are here to tell their story. On the left is Jay Jets( who you Know as Kieth Kevins) and on the right is Roy Blades(Kieth Kevins' Childhood Friend in a moment we'll get to more in-depth introductions). This is how their Story Begins. Jay Jets: Hi I'm Kieth Kevins and I going to tell you the story of my... Roy Blades: EH HEM KEITH Aren't you forgetting me OVER HERE!! Heh, Heh😬 I-I'mmmm GAAAARY WIIIILSON! Gary, Where was I?  Oh! you were telling the story of our... Yes! the story of our Adventurous day! This is how it begins... This is Carpenters City the City Gary and I live in. Today, like always is a nice, sunny day.  Oh! Look it's Jac Jetpack and Jac's JetPack Crew! I wonder where they are heading to? S o Jac Jetpack and Jac's Jetpack Crew are heading toward the Carpenters City Radio Station. This is Carpenter City's only radio stati...

Who Is Pink Ninja?

Pink Ninja Hi, I am Pink Ninja and welcome to my blog! Who am I, you may ask? I am going to tell you! Who is Pink Ninja?  I'm not your typical ninja, so here's a little bit about me. I am skilled in Drawing. When you are listening to music and your favorite song plays. I enjoy animating; here's a video. To See More Videos Click Here My weapon of preference is the Pencil(The pencil is not intended to use as a weapon just to draw with). The tools I use are the Sketchpad, A Marker box filled with Markers, Pens and The Eraser. My tool bag is My Art Bag with A Smaller Bag to put smaller art tools and weapons in like the pencil and eraser. Follow me on Instagram to see More Pictures Here Lastly, I use the Technique of Imagination. Here on my blog, I tell the details of Carpenters City; the city I live in and more.  This is what I  will be writing about: The Day in the Life of(Person's name)= About the citizens of Carpe...