Adventures in Carpenters City: Stephanie Firebolt

Welcome back to The Pink Ninja Show. Today, I’m introducing you to Stephanie Firebolt, a character from Carpenters City. The Character Name: Stephanie Firebolt Stephanie Firebolt Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Family Spouse: Blake Firebolt The Kevins Stephanie's Parents and Siblings Sister: Kristie Kevins Brothers : Luke and Keith Kevins Mother: Vickie Kevins Father: Christopher Kevins Horses: Buttercup & Parker Horses: Buttercup & Parker About Carpenters City Map Home: Carpenters City Countryside Job: Ranch Owner Stephanie and Blake Firebolt The Firebolt Ranch Interesting Fact: Stephanie Firebolt lives in the ranch her husband, Blake Firebolt inherited from his parents, near the border between Carpenters City and The Outside. Story Exploring The Outside Near the borders of Carpenters City and The Outside, happy and excited, ranch owners Stephanie and Blake Firebolt travel to The Outside to housesit for Blake’s cousin, Richard Firebolt. While housesitti...